Just click on the title of the ordinance below to download the document.
Gazebo Rental Agreement
- HL-2022-03 Noise Ordinance
- HL-2022-04 Resolution of Adoption - 2022 Division F Phase 1 Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan
- HL-2022-01 Amendment to Establish Speed Limits
- HL-2022-01 Speed Limits
- HL-07-03 Business License Contractors 2020 Amendment
- HL-2021-04 Surplus Roughneck Boat
- HL-2021-03 Surplus V Hull Police Boat
- HL-2021-02 Surplus 2006 Ford Ranger Pickup
- HL-2021-01 Schedule of Building Inspection Fees
- HL-2020-07 Ordinance Gross Receipts Tax
- HL-2020-04 Amendment, Section 2, Non-Residents
- HL-2020-04 Lake Use Fees
- HL-2020-03 Ordinance to Control Dogs within the Town Limits of Highland Lake
- HL-2020-02 Non-Resident Lake Use Permit for Kayaks, Canoes, etc.
- HL-2020-02 Ordinance to Prevent Certain Vehicles, Weeds, or Other Rubbish Which is Unsightly from
Becoming a Public Nuisance, a Safety or Public Health Hazard, or a Fire Hazard, within
the Town Limits of Highland Lake, Alabama - HL-2020-01 Ordinance to Set Qualification Fees
- RESOLUTION Resolution Adopting Transportation Plan Pursuant to the Rebuild Alabama Act
NO. 19-02 - HL-19-03 Ordinance to Establish a Permanent Public Safety Committee
- HL-19-02 Ordinance to Establish a Permanent Roads Committee
- HL-19-01 Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance
- HL-18-02 Vegetation Management and Control
- HL-18-01 Adopt the 2015 International Building Code
- HL-17-03 Regulations for the Use of Public Buildings
Gazebo Rental Agreement
- HL-17-01 Regulating Rotation Wrecker of Towing Service
- HL-16-01 Highland Lake Zoning Ordinance
- HL-15-01 Sale of Municipal Property
- HL-14-03 Board of Health Code Regarding Septic Systems
- HL-14-01 Lake Preservation Committee - Amended August 6, 2019
- HL-11-05 Construction of Docks, Boathouses, Seawalls, & Schedule of Fees
Amendment - Sections 7 & 8 - HL-11-03 Fishing Regulations
- HL-08-03 Expenditures, Check Signatures, & Contracts
- HL-08-01 Number of Council Places
- HL-07-03 Business License Code
Section 21 - Delivery License Amendment
Section 22 - License Classifications & Fees Amendment - HL-06-03 Regulating Use of Towables Behind Watercraft
- HL-06-01 Disposal of Solid Waste
Amendment to Section 13 - HL-05-04 Regulate Use of Town of Highland Lake Property
Hold Harmless Agreement - Lake Use Permit - Revised - Approved 04-07-17 - HL-04-14 Prohibiting Non-Encapsulated Styrofoam
- HL-00-11 Procedures for Council Meetings
Amendment - Section 2 - HL-00-04 Utilities Tax on Water Services
- HL-00-03 Safety & Navigability of the Waters
- HL-98-02 Safe Streets Act
- HL-98-01 Sign Regulations
- HL-97-05 Parking Zones/Restrictions
- HL-97-01 Discharge of Firearms
- HL-96-02 Load Limits on Roads
- HL-94-01 Ad Valorem Tax
- HL-93-11 Dam Work
- HL-93-09 State Laws by Reference
- HL-93-03 Size of Boats, Motors