Restrictive Covenants
- All buildings must conform to standards as set by the 2015 International Building Code.
- A minimum of 1800 square feet living space is required for all dwellings.
- Any building must be recessed from the road a minimum of 25 feet (from the right-of-way) and a minimum of10 feet from all other property boundaries, including elevated projections from the buildings.
- For a ¾” standard water tap, the Utilities Board of Oneonta charges the following:
- $500.00 tap fee
- $1973.00 water connection fee
- $200.00 if road crossing required
- Regulations for septic tanks from perk tests to completion of installation are administered by the County/State Health Department.
- The Blount County Health Department can be reached at (205) 274-2120.
- The lowest floor, including basement, must be elevated no lower than one foot above the base flood elevation (BFE) (the BFE for Highland Lake is 903.80).
- An on-site inspection is required at the time of completion of the lowest floor.
- Any access roads from public roads to private property must have a minimum 15-inch inside diameter drainage pipe.
- Culvert size must be established by the county engineer.
- Requests for culverts should be made through the Highland Lake Town Hall.
- Ditches must remain open during construction period.
- Culvert size must be established by the county engineer.
- Any plans for structures extending into the water across the 900-foot contour line must first be reviewed and approved by the Town Council.
- No construction blasting permitted w/o approval from Highland Lake Town Hall.
- If approved, state license, certification and insurance must be current prior to start of construction.
- No lot shall be re-subdivided without the approval of the Zoning Board of Adjustment
- The minimum square footage of each re-subdivided lot is more specifically defined as follows:
- The required minimum square footage of 21,780 (0.50 acre) must be contiguous in nature and cannot be divided by a public right-of-way.
- All waterfront lots created by re-subdivision of an existing lot or lots must have a minimum of one hundred (100) linear feet of shoreline along the nine hundred (900) foot contour line.
- The minimum square footage of each re-subdivided lot is more specifically defined as follows:
- The Town of Highland Lake is zoned R-1 (100% residential).
- Any exceptions must be approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
- Business licenses are required for all general contractors and subcontractors prior to start of construction.
- Certificate of occupancy required prior to occupying the home.
- This will be issued to homeowner or builder upon final approval from inspector.
Schedule of Fees for New Houses & Additions
All new construction as well as any additions shall be subject to inspection by a certified building inspector. The charge for each applicable inspection shall be $50.00 per inspection.
Tim Moore serves as the Building Inspector for the Town of Highland Lake, Alabama. Mr. Moore has full authority to inspect and rate any and all construction in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code.
Contact Numbers for Tim Moore:
Office: (205) 625-6407
Cell: (205) 288-1941
Tim Moore serves as the Building Inspector for the Town of Highland Lake, Alabama. Mr. Moore has full authority to inspect and rate any and all construction in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code.
Contact Numbers for Tim Moore:
Office: (205) 625-6407
Cell: (205) 288-1941